Roundhouse 52′ Mill Gondola, CNW 350187
This car has been in my collection for years, and it was a good example of an older car that wasn’t up to the standards of more modern cars. I included it to show how even an old car like this can be significantly improved with weathering and detailing, and because it was a good match for a prototype car that I had photographed in 2008. Athearn has since re-released this car with improved details.

CNW 350187
The above is a photo of the full-sized CNW 350187 taken in Stockton, California during the filming of A Day at Stockton.
CNW 350187 started out as a MDC/Roundhouse RailGon gondola.
Modifications included replacing cast-on grab irons with freestanding ones, adding weight and a new floor, replacing the stirrups, installing a complete brake system, adding uncoupling levers and Kadee No. 58 couplers.
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