HO Weathering & Detailing Volume 3: Atlas B40-8W, BNSF 557
Iron Road Album
Sometimes the guys do other things besides film trains. Daniel Cortopassi and John Abatecola actually met when they were both playing in different bands in the San Francisco Bay Area. Recently Dan enlisted John’s help to produce Iron Road, Dan’s first solo album. It features 12 instrumental rock songs, with Dan on guitar and John […]
May 6 Update
There was a production meeting today to finalize the order of the chapters in the upcoming HO Weathering & Detailing series on diesels. It is going to be a two-part production, each with four chapters. A total of eight models will be covered on both volumes, illustrating a variety of techniques.
Current Production
John and Dan were hard at work yesterday on our upcoming HO Weathering & Detailing series on diesel locomotives.
Freelanced Log Cars
TSG Multimedia’s Dan Cortopassi turns a couple of old HO scale train set cars into some nice-looking freelanced log cars.
Happy New Year!
Happy new year from TSG Multimedia! We hope your 2014 is great!
Athearn Motor Break-In
While building and detailing an HO scale model of BNSF GP60M 134, Dan found an easy solution to fix a noisy Athearn motor.
True Line Trains MP36PH-3C
Ever since True Line Trains announced that they would be producing an HO scale MP36 in Caltrain colors, I have been eagerly awaiting the delivery of this model. I finally got one and… well, to say it was a major disappointment would be an understatement.
Welcome to the new TSG Multimedia website!
Welcome to the new TSG Multimedia website. We’ve rebuilt our website to make it better than ever!